Philosophy and Objectives
  • The purpose of extra-curricular activities in the Lake City Public Schools is to provide all students with an opportunity to participate in a variety of programs and to provide positive educational experiences as an adjunct to the academic program. The extra-curricular program shall be an integral part of the total educational process, be operated with the well being of the student in mind, and be governed by sound educational practice.

Goals and Objectives
  1. Develop programs, provide facilities, provide coaching and commit resources so athletic participation becomes a reality for all students who desire to be in the athletic program.
  2. Provide an equal opportunity to all students.
  3. Provide interscholastic athletic participation on a more vigorous competitive basis than provided in intramural sports. This participation shall be guided by the MSHSL.
  4. Provide opportunities to meet new situations whereby social and personal growth will be attained, and give inner satisfaction and enjoyment through the performance and participation.
Middle School Philosophy
  • The programs offered by the Lake City Public Schools are intended to provide fair and equitable opportunities for interested students to learn the fundamental skills, knowledge, and strategies of various athletic activities and to demonstrate these skills, knowledge, and strategies, in practice and game situations.
Senior High School Philosophy
  • The programs offered by the Lake City Public School are intended to provide participation of a more vigorous and competitive nature than that provided by the Middle School Program. A wide variety of activities will be offered and all interested students are encouraged to participate. Students must realize that being in activities is a privilege that carries with it defined responsibilities. It is a privilege to be on a team and an accomplishment of which a student should be proud. Each student should have a sense of achievement in contributing any way he/she can to the success of the team.
Goals for all Programs
  1. Provide a feeling of belonging.
  2. Teach accountability and commitment to one another and your teammates.
  3. Learn to balance activities and academics.
  4. Understand the value of participation, teamwork and good sportsmanship.
  5. Understand goal setting - to give purpose to your best effort on a daily basis and to instill a strong work ethic.
Varsity and Junior Varsity (JV) Squad Participation Policy
  • It is the policy of the Lake City Activities Department to field teams in all activities at the Varsity and Junior Varsity Squad levels that are as competitive as possible. Keeping this in mind, any interested student is encouraged to compete for spots on teams at this level. Coaches will give fair and equitable treatment in terms of practice time and coaching attention to all participants subject to coach’s evaluation of the participant’s attendance at practice and games, personal behavior, respect for teammates and coaches adherence to rules of the game and to good sportsmanship, overall commitment to the game and improving his/her skill level. Playing time will be determined by the coach’s evaluation of each participant’s skill level in comparison to those of opponents with special consideration for each participant’s chance of success in each game situation. Additional experience will be provided in the following way:
  1. Intrasquad scrimmages and games with teams divided evenly to assure good competition.
  2. Schedule additional contests such as junior varsity for varsity non-starters.
  3. Schedule tournaments for 7th, 8th and C squads.
  4. Extra quarters and extra games for 7th and 8th grade squads.
  5. Coaches contact opponents before games to arrange for game formats that will allow for expanded competition.
  6. Schedule additional scrimmages against area schools for teams at all levels.
Reduction of Squad Size
  • Reduction of varsity squad size is necessary at some time in almost all sports. In many cases this reduction in squad size is necessary the end of the season for tournaments and comes naturally due to head to head challenges in practices and meets. In other cases the coaching staff based on practice and game observations must make these decisions. Coaches must do what they feel is best for the success of the team and choose players who will be best able to help the team.
In some team sports such as basketball, volleyball, baseball and softball only a limited numbers of players may be used during the entire season. This is necessitated by rule, staff and facilities. In these instances a tryout period will be conducted, after which the coaching staff may reduce the squad to a desired number. This procedure will be spelled out to all students wishing to tryout for the team before practice begins. Students not making the squad will be met with individually by the coaching staff and reasons for their not being retained will be given.

Eligibility Requirements

The following rules shall apply for student eligibility to participate in both practices and games for interscholastic athletics/activities at all levels (7–12).

l. Must have a current physical on file in the Activities office (every 3 years).
2. Must have a current parent permission and health questionnaire on file (yearly).
3. Must have a signed copy of the MSHSL eligibility requirements on file (yearly).
4. Must have insurance waiver on file (yearly).
5. Must have paid the participation fee required for all activities. No student will be denied participation in activities because of the inability to pay the activity fee. They are to talk to the AD to see if arrangements can be made prior to beginning participation.
6. Participation fees will be refunded only because of illness or injury, family emergency, or an athlete being cut from the squad.
7. Once all forms are signed and turned into the Activities office and all fees have been paid students will receive a permit to participate form that must be turned into the coach.
8. Academic Eligibility: Students must meet MSHSL and School District #813 eligibility requirements. The academic eligibility of a student shall be determined by the building Assistant Principal.
9. Eligibility concerning MSHSL and School District #813 rules dealing with chemical use: Eligibility concerning chemical use violations will be determined by the building Assistant Principal. Records of ineligibility will be kept in the Activities office.
10. Students must be in school all of the day or receive written permission from the building Principal to be eligible to participate that day in practice or a game.
11. Students suspended from school for any reason will be ineligible for participation in practice, games, or meets on those days.
12. Students are expected to be in school on time the day following an event.

Grievance Procedure

In any athletic program, no matter how well organized and no matter how well meaning the intentions of the staff and administration, problems can still arise. In many cases these problems are simply due to poor communication. In other situations the problem may be more serious. For these reasons, it is necessary to have a well-defined ladder of communication. This ladder must be made known to students and to parents so that the proper connections can be made and problems taken care of as efficiently and quickly as possible. For School District #813 the ladder of communication will be as follows:

1. Player to Coach (Middle School, Assistant, Head)
2. Parent to Coach
3. Parent to Activities Director
4. Parent to Building Principal
5. Parent to Superintendent of Schools
6. Parent to Board of Education

In case of any grievance, callers should be referred to the first people in the Ladder of Communication for satisfaction and then proceed from there. It is essential that the people who are working directly with the student be informed of the problem as soon as possible so that corrections can be made. This must be done in person or by telephone. Parents are asked to not confront a coach before or after a practice or contest. No discussion topics include: Playing Time, Team Strategy and other Student Athletes.
Do’s and Don’ts for Parents

As a parent of a young athlete, it’s your job to foster a positive environment for your child – and that takes discipline on your part. Here’s a quick checklist to help you do just that:

1. Avoid the P.G.A. (Post Game Analysis). Within minutes following the end of the game, players are usually in the family car heading home. It’s during the ride home that some well-meaning parents provide a postgame analysis of what the youngster did well, or not so well, during the game.
. “Why didn’t you shoot more when you were open?”
. “You need to move more on offense so your teammates will pass the ball to you.”
. “You need to adjust your stance…”
. “It looked like the other team’s defense had you flustered a bit.”
. “Your time at the split was slow… what happened?”
. “You didn’t hustle on defense much today: were you tired?”
. “Didn’t you see that so-and-so was open all the time?”
From the parent’s perspective, these observations seem like very valid points to discuss. “Besides”, says the concerned parent, “it’s important to go over what my child did in the game while the game is still fresh in his or her mind.” The problem is that these P.G.A.’s can quickly ruin the fun for your athlete. After all, who wants to be analyzed or criticized moments after leaving the court (and if friends are in the car, it can be even more demoralizing)? That’s the coach’s job. Mom and Dad, give your youngster a break – save your “constructive criticism” for later on in the evening or the next day and bring them up in a two-way conversation about the game – or better yet, not at all. After the game is the time to be positive and brief.

2. Don’t position yourself as the “perfect example”.“Here, let me show you how I used to play the game.” Have you ever said something like that to your child? Did you notice them roll their eyes, as in “oh-uh” here we go again”. Relax. If you’re like most parents, you want to help teach your child the basics through the benefit of your own experiences. But how do you do that without sounding like a know-it-all old-timer? In the mind of most children, there’s a fine line between teaching them the basic skills and trying to show off. Always remember that you’re supposed to be there for your son or daughter – not the other way around. Next time, wait until your child comes to you and asks for guidance. That’s the most effective approach for you and the child.

3. Avoid screaming or yelling inappropriately from the sidelines or stands at games.If you have to make noise, make sure you are offering praise and support. There’s not a young player on the playing surface who wants to hear their parent yelling at the officials, the coach, other players, or worse yet, themselves. Set a good example for other adults by praising good plays on the opposing team as well. In other words, somebody has to be the grown- up at these games – it might as well be you!

4. No need to provide “play by play” broadcast from the stands. Ever hear a parent literally directing every play on the court? Okay, Johnny, bring the ball up…now, find the open man…that’s right, pass it to Mark…Mark, take the shot! Max, be sure to get in position for the rebound!” You get the idea. Drop the play-by-play. Just let the kids play. They really don’t need your instruction while they’re playing and enjoying the game. And, it can make it difficult for your child’s coach to direct the game. After all that is the coach’s job, right?

5. Don’t take the game more seriously than your child. Your job, as the parent, is to provide positive support for your child; regardless of how well they play or who wins. Whether they score the winning basket, goal or touchdown; or they end up on the wrong end of a lopsided score; give them a sincere pat on the back. Your child is going to monitor your reactions to their performances. If they see your mood go sour after a bad game, they’re going to pick up on that and react in a similar fashion. Teach them to maintain an even balance in the face of victory or defeat and both of you will benefit.

Minnesota State High School League – Team Up for Sportsmanship

Tips for Parents

Be Supportive of Coaches
In front of your child be supportive and positive of the coach’s decisions. If you have problems with what the coach is doing, it is best to talk directly with the coach.

Teach Respect for Authority
There will be times when you disagree with a coach or official but always remember they are trying their best and are trying to be fair. Show good sportsmanship by being positive.

Let the Coach do the Coaching but you can do some of the Teaching
When your child is on the field, court, or ice, let the coach do the coaching. You can teach sportsmanship and how to deal with success and failure. Develop their character and teach life skills that athletics and activities bring to the forefront.

Help your Children Learn through Failure
The way your child handles failure can help them to face the certain failures life will throw them in the future. The worst time for you as a parent to give advice is immediately after a disappointment. Let your child cope in their own way.

Get to know the Coach
Since the Coach has a powerful influence on your child, take the time to attend the preseason parent meeting and get to know the coaches’ philosophy, expectations, and guidelines.

Focus on your Child as an Individual
Focus on what your child does well and where they need to improve. Encouragement is essential.

Listen to your Child, but Stay Rational
Always support and list to your child, but remember to stay rational until you have investigated the situation.

Be Mindful of your Role as a Role Model
Take a good honest look at your actions and reactions in the athletic arena. These actions are a big cue to your child and to the others around you.

Show Unconditional Love
The most important…show your child you love them, win or lose.

Minnesota State High School League Parent Guide

The Role of the Parent

Much of the joy of being a high school sports parent comes from watching your children compete in athletic events. There are very few kids who are not bolstered by looking into the stands and seeing their parents cheering for them. As part of their responsibilities, parents should be involved in their
Childs educational process, this includes being actively involved in after school activities. Fortunately, the majority of parents behave appropriately at school sporting events. But those who misbehave can spoil it for all the rest. It takes only a few out-of-control parents to ruin what should be a pleasant atmosphere into one that is stressful for everyone.
In addition to some of the obviously inappropriate actions, such as profanity, use of chemicals, throwing of objects and the like, the following rules of thumb for personal behavior should be followed.

* Express interest, encouragement and support to your child and to the coaching staff.

* Learn the rules of the game so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.

* Lend a hand when a coach or school administrator asks for help.

* Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play or achievement by either team.

* Inappropriate and/or harassing comments should not be made to athletes, parents, officials or coaches of either team.

* Shouting out instruction or criticism may hinder the overall experience of the student-athlete.

* Negative comments and gestures of displeasure toward the coach, visiting team, or officials, only undermine the efforts of all involved.

* Remember that interscholastic athletics and activities are learning experiences for students and that mistakes are sometimes made. Praise students in their attempt to improve themselves as students, as athletes and as people, as you would praise a student working in the classroom.

Good sportsmanship among all spectators is a goal worth working for, but especially for parents, who have the obligation not only to control their behavior, but to also remind others around them of their responsibilities when necessary. When parents misbehave, it is the duty of other parents and school administrators to step in and correct the situation. A simple rule of thumb for all spectators to follow is that absolutely nothing in their actions should interfere with any youngster’s enjoyment of the game.

Minnesota State High School League Parent Guide

Kids Perspective on Participation

The top three positive outcomes that student participants have experienced through athletic participation:
* Teamwork and cooperation with peers
* Time management, self-discipline, commitment, responsibility, and respect for authority
* Fun

The top three negative outcomes that student participants have experienced through athletic participation:
* Too much time away from studies
* People expect more from an athlete
* Too much pressure to win (from parents and self)

The three most selected qualities that student participants enjoy most about their coaches:
* Inspires and motivates me to perform at my best
* Cares about and respects players as individuals
* Gives a lot of his/her time

The top three things that students participants appreciate MOST about their parents’ attitudes toward their participation in athletics:
* Encouragement
* Attendance at games/contents
* Opportunity to participate in sport(s) of student’s choosing

School activities and athletics instill a sense of school pride.
* 96% Strongly agree/agree
* 2% Disagree
* 2% No Opinion

Students who participate in school activities and athletics tend to be school leaders:
* 88% Strongly agree/agree
* 6% Disagree
* 6% No Opinion

Participating in school activities provides and opportunity to develop self-discipline not necessarily found in the classroom:
* 93% Strongly agree/agree
* 4% No Opinion
* 3% Disagree

How much pressure is there on you to win?
* 73% About right
* 13% Too much
* 10% Not enough
* 4% None

Minnesota State High School League – Listening to Students Survey
Sportsmanship Expectations

The Student Athlete:

1. Live clean, play hard. Play for the love of the game.
2. Win without boasting.
3. Respect officials and accept their decisions at all times.
4. Never forget that you represent our school.

The Coach:

1. Make it Fun.
2. Inspire a love for the game.
3. Teach that it is better to lose fairly than win unfairly.
4. Lead players and spectators to respect officials by setting a good example.

The Spectator:

1. Keep Emotions and Attitude in Balance.
2. Appreciate a good play, no matter who makes it.
3. Know the school gets the praise or blame for your conduct.
4. Speak up when others are being poor sports.

Sportsmanship Creed

Good sportsmanship is strived for in all events. Good sportsmanship is a responsibility of players, coaches, faculty, cheerleaders, students, adult spectators, officials, and the media. Promotion of good sportsmanship and all athletic events should include demonstration of respect for opponents and officials. All involved should maintain self-control throughout the contest. Rules of the event should be understood and skill and performance should be recognized regardless of team affiliation. Good sportsmanship is the cornerstone of quality athletic programs.

Behavior Expectations at Events – as recommended by the Minnesota State High School League

1. Respect our flag and National Anthem.
2. Use Appropriate Language: No profanity, negative chants, booing, trash talking or name calling.
3. Respect Everyone – Treat each person the way you would want to be treated. Personal attacks and taunting are unacceptable.
4. Respect the Game – Do not interfere with it.
5. Display only positive signs and do not use noisemakers.
Sportsmanship is everyone’s responsibility. Any spectator in violation of expectations will be subject to consequences based on the severity and/or frequency of the offense. Penalties can vary from warnings, suspension up to one year or trespassing Notice/Referral to Lake City Police.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs to attend the Pre-Season Sports Meetings?

Pre-Season Sports Meetings are intended for all Student Athletes and Parents. Coaches will to go thru the season schedules, team handbooks, practice schedules and answer any questions regarding the program. These Parent/Athlete meetings are held prior to the Fall, Winter and Spring seasons with Parents and Athletes expected to attend each season in which they participate.

What Athletic and Fine Arts Activities does Lake City offer?
Boys CC Boys Basketball Adapted Bowling Jazz Band
Girls CC Girls Basketball Baseball Solo Ensemble
Football Dance Team Softball Math League
Volleyball Wrestling Boys Golf All School Play
Girls Tennis Weight Room Girls Golf One Act Play
Boys Soccer Robotics Boys Tennis Speech
Girls Soccer Boys T & F Chamber Choir
Weight Room Girls T & F Bel Canto
Weight Room

Transportation Requirements and Guidelines - The school encourages and requires all extracurricular participants to ride school transportation with the following exceptions:
1. Prior notification: email or phone call to the Activities Office and we will inform the coach.
2. Parent on site: talks to the coach and gives them a written note.
*No neighbors, friends or relatives will be allowed to take students.

School Cancellation – if school is cancelled or there is an early release the following applies:
1. If school is let out early due to poor conditions there will be no practice at any level.
2. If school is cancelled: allow for discretion of the Superintendent/Principal/Activities Director to conduct Varsity practice only if weather conditions improve later in the day.

What is the cost to attend events?

Admission to events is $6 for Adults & Senior Citizens and $4 for Students. Admission sports include Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball and Wrestling. Activity Passes can be purchased at a cost of $60 for Adults, $40 for Students and Senior Citizens. Activity Passes will get you into all home activities with the exception of Booster Club sponsored events, Sub-Section competition and Section competition.

How do I keep current on schedule/competition changes?

1. School Channel 13
2. Lake Hits Radio 94.9
3. Websites: a. (Go to the Activities Home Page)
b. (Minnesota State High School League)
c. (Hiawatha Valley League)

*If you would like changes emailed to you set up a “Notify Me” account on the Activities Calendar.

How can I help?

Being a member of the Lake City Athletic Booster Club is an opportunity for parents to contribute and be involved. Community members have volunteered their services and skills since 1988 to help supplement our Activities programs. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month. All Athletic programs are involved and benefit.

Contact Info
Superintendent's Office
(651) 345-2198
300 South Garden Street
Lake City, MN 55041

Lincoln High School
(651) 345-4553

Fax: (651) 345-5894
300 South Garden Street
Lake City, MN 55041

Lincoln Attendance
(651) 345-4472

Bluff View Elementary 
(651) 345-4551
Fax: (651) 345-2781
1156 West Lakewood Ave.
Lake City, MN 55041

Bluff View Attendance 
(651) 345-4528

Activities Director
(651) 345-2850
300 South Garden Street

Community Education 
(651) 345-7170
1156 West Lakewood Ave.