A Planning List for Parents and Ninth Graders

It may seem early to start thinking about getting your child ready for college, but it really isn’t- important groundwork should take place in ninth and tenth grade. Here’s a list to help you make sure our child is on the right track:


____  1. Create a four-year high school plan.  Once your child is settled into ninth grade, introduce the idea of preparing an overall plan for high school that relates to his or her goals.

·         Make sure you and your child know what high school courses are required by colleges, and that your child’s ninth grade courses are on the right track.

·         Map out when these courses should be taken

·         Familiarize yourself with the various levels of courses offered by your child’s school.


____  2. Start your child thinking about careers.  Encourage your child to develop a tentative career goal.  Of course it will change-often- but it’s the thought process that counts.

·         Help your child identify interest-likes and dislikes- not just in academics, but in all areas.  This will help your child focus on goals.

·         Encourage your child to discuss career options with others, such as the school counselor, teachers, recent college graduates who are working, professionals in the community, etc.


____  3. Suggest Extracurricular Activities-Encourage your child to actively take part in a sport, school club, music or drama group, or community volunteer activity.

·         Remember that colleges would rather wee real involvement in one activity than a loose connection to several activities.

·         If your child may want to play sports in college, research the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility requirements.  The NCAA requires completion of certain core courses; you can find specifics at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net.


___    4. Meet with the school counselor: The school counselor knows how to help your child get the most out of high school.  Make sure your child has an opportunity during the school year to discuss post-high school plans with the school counselor.


___    5. Save for College. It’s still not too late to start a college savings plan, if you haven’t already.  Every little bit helps!

·         Investigate state financial aid programs and 529 plans.


___    6. Obtain a social security number for your child if you don’t already have one.

This is often required for applications, testing, scholarships, and other opportunities.


Contact Info
Superintendent's Office
(651) 345-2198
300 South Garden Street
Lake City, MN 55041

Lincoln High School
(651) 345-4553

Fax: (651) 345-5894
300 South Garden Street
Lake City, MN 55041

Lincoln Attendance
(651) 345-4472

Bluff View Elementary 
(651) 345-4551
Fax: (651) 345-2781
1156 West Lakewood Ave.
Lake City, MN 55041

Bluff View Attendance 
(651) 345-4528

Activities Director
(651) 345-2850
300 South Garden Street

Community Education 
(651) 345-7170
1156 West Lakewood Ave.