Adult Resources
Classes and Trips
<--- Click online registration to register for adult enrichment! Or print off registration form below and turn it into the Community Education office with payment.

Driver's Improvment classes registration is available online or stop into the Community Education office to register.

For a complete list of classes, activities and descriptions please click on Online Registration for adult enrichment opportunities

If you have any further questions, feel free to stop into the Community Education Office we would love to see you! Or give us a call at 651-345-7170.

Hiawatha Valley Adult Education

Hall Walkers

Registration Form
If you do not want to register online, please print this form off bring it into the Community Education office with your payment.

Contact Info
Superintendent's Office
(651) 345-2198
300 South Garden Street
Lake City, MN 55041

Lincoln High School
(651) 345-4553

Fax: (651) 345-5894
300 South Garden Street
Lake City, MN 55041

Lincoln Attendance
(651) 345-4472

Bluff View Elementary 
(651) 345-4551
Fax: (651) 345-2781
1156 West Lakewood Ave.
Lake City, MN 55041

Bluff View Attendance 
(651) 345-4528

Activities Director
(651) 345-2850
300 South Garden Street

Community Education 
(651) 345-7170
1156 West Lakewood Ave.